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This document includes all meaningful changes made to the specifications consisting the Data Package Standard. It does not track changes made to other documents like recipes or guides.


April 1, 2024


The Data Package (v2) draft release includes a rich set of the specification improvements accepted by the Data Package Working Group during the active phase of the Data Package (v2) work.



Added source.version property

This change adds a new property to make possible of providing information about source version. Please read more about source.version property.

Pull Request — #10

Made contributor/source.title not required

This change allows omitting title property for the contributor and source objects making it more flexible for data producers.

Pull Request — #7

Data Package

Added contributor.given/familyName

This change adds two new properties to the contributor object: givenName and familyName. Please read more about package.contributors property.

Pull Request — #20

Added contributor.roles property

This change adds a new contributors.roles property that replaces contributor.role. Please read more about package.contributors property.

Pull Request — #18

Fixed version property in Data Package profile

This change adds omitted version property to the Data Package profiles.

Pull Request — #3

Data Resource

Relaxed rules but keep it required and unique

This change relaxes requirements to allowing it to be any string. This property still needs to present and be unique among resources. Please read more about property.

Pull Request — #27

Clarified resource.encoding property

This change updates the resource.encoding property definition to properly support binary file formats like Parquet. Please read more about resource.encoding property.

Pull Request — #15

Forbade hidden folders in paths

This change fixes definition in the Data Resource specification to explicitly forbid hidden folders.

Pull Request — #19

Table Dialect

First version of the specification

This change adds a new specification Table Dialect that superseeds and extends the CSV Dialect specification to work with other formats like JSON or Excel. Please refer to the Table Dialect specification.

Pull Request — #41

Table Schema

Added schema.fieldsMatch property

This change clarifies the default field matching behaviour and adds new modes for matching data source and Table Schema fields. Please read more about schema.fieldsMatch property.

Pull Request — #39

Made any be a default field type

This change makes field type to be any by default and ensures that the field type is not inferred if not provided. Please read more about any type.

Pull Request — #13

Added uniqueKeys property

This change adds uniqueKeys property directly modelled after corresponding SQL feature. Please read more about schema.uniqueKeys property.

Pull Request — #30

Added field.missingValues

This change adds a property that allows to specify missing values individually per field. Please read more about field.missingValues property.

Pull Request — #24

Added list field type

This change adds a new field type list for typed collections, lexically delimiter-based. Please read more about list type.

Pull Request — #38

Added jsonSchema constraint to object and array fields

This change adds a new constraint for the object and array fields. Please read more about constraints.jsonSchema constraint.

Pull Request — #32

Support groupChar for integer field type

This change adds support for providing integers with group chars. Please read more about field.groupChar property.

Pull Request — #6

Extended datetime default format

This change extends default format definition for the datetime field type allowing to provide optional milliseconds and timezone parts.

Pull Request — #23

Supported exclusive constraints

This change adds new exclusiveMinimum and exclusiveMaximum constraints to the Table Schema specification.

Pull Request — #11

Simplified self-referencing in foreign keys

This change allows omitting foreignKey.resource.reference in case of self-referencing. Previously it required setting resource to an empty string.

Pull Request — #29

Discouraged usage of unnecessary union types

This change discourages usage of mixed types for schema.primaryKeys and schema.foreignKeys.fields properties.

Pull Request — #28

Clarified that geopoint is number-based

This changes clarifies that geopoint field type can use floating point numbers for coordinate definitions.

Pull Request — #14

Fixed duration constraint

This change fixes minimum and maximum constraint for the duration field type.

Pull Request — #8


September 5, 2017

Please refer to the the Data Package (v1) website.